Paul Gauguin - Mata Mua (In Olden Times), 1892
We’re proud to offer a beautiful reproduction of Paul Gauguin's classic painting, Mata Mua (In Olden Times) (1892). Each high-quality print is professionally produced with vibrant colors and archival inks guaranteed to last for generations. Add a touch of timeless elegance to any space with this stunning artwork. Order yours today and enjoy the beauty of Gauguin's masterpiece! #Stravee #PaulGauguin #FineArtPrint
Printed in the UK. Delivered Worldwide in a rigid postal tube.
All printed using state of the art industry leading 12 colour Epson Printer on high quality 230gsm Museum grade matte paper
Pro tip: If you’re deciding between sizes, size up. Most people regret buying too small.
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